first time : Holidays
After sorting out all the pictures I took, I just decided to write this entry three times, it would be just to complicated otherwise... So here comes - finally- the english version of the german text

Last Wednesday we started our trip in the evening to reach our well choiced destination: Cordoba. We were told, that the landscape was beautiful, the city of Cordoba a lot smaller and quieter than Buenos Aires (something that is not to difficuilt in fact) and that the province is living from the tourists. So we went to visit the festival of folk music in Cosquin and to walk and to have some days without honking and lining up everywhere.

After an unexpected uncomplicated bus ride, we arrived in the morning in
Cordoba Stadt
and in the absolutly cool hostel
As we planed it, we stayed two days for sightseeing and found out, that you shouldn't relay to much on Lonley Planet. The museums, we found out before, where nearly all closed and entries cost at least the doble, anyway, we saw a lot of the city.
the Donbosco Church (in fact, the first one I saw this time in Latinamerica, though I always thought there were plenty of them...) in front of the hoste. Unfortunatly it was - just as many others as well - closed.

But all over the city center there are a lot of churches and monasteries. Just as I allready said, most of them are closed for visitors.
The jesuitian church in "Manzana de los Luzes", the corner of the Jesuits in Cordoba.
Part of it is also the Colegio:
The chairs are still from the foundationtime. By now the school often changed their owner, today they belong to the state. The pupils have to lern french, english, latin and greek (acient). The uniforms reminded me of the ones from Harry Potter, but maybe that's just normal, as they have the "usual" colours. Anyway, the building is amazing.

and another monastery, this time it's the clarissianone:
and the cathedral in the city centre

they are just renovating it, so you can't really see a lot.

Right here sitting on a bench (around the corner of the cathedral) we ate our obligate icecream. I took the picture, because in my eyes you can see a lot of the city in it: a bit of everything, just put together, not really matching, but still beautiful.
The following pictures were taken around a former franciscian monastery that was a women's prison in the time of the dictatur. Today it's a cultural center where different things still remember the time and the injustice, that happened there.
hat's the church, that belonged to the monastery. Today it's the university church. One tower is missing to show the human fail in perfectness.

After having seen so much of the city, we went in a small bus to LaCumbre, a small village in the montains, next to Cosquin were we wanted to visit the festival (finally we didn't go, as many people told as, it would be just a bit party with a lot of alcohol, if you don't have a ticket, what we haven't had) and do some trekking.

in La Cumbre even the busstation was nice
and the touristinformation
and the hostel
here we stayed four more days.
1. day: Up to christus
We got some more or less useful informations from the touristcenter and after walking through the village (that reminded me a lot of Taize and it's surrounding, even though it was bigger) we started to walk up to Christus

2. day: A ride back to the village? No, thanks, we really WANT to walk!
It's not, that we were big trekking people, to be honest, my experiences in that are really little, but everything has to start one day, so we started the second day with climbing up to Christus again to follow a small path afterwards for the only way to do trekking that was possible. The first part of our walk looked more or less like that:
The bank, even though written in our trekking map, just appeard from nothing. We used the opportunity to have a long lunch break.

do you also see a seal here?

The real aim of our tour was themaufactory of Alfajores, where they produce the super sweet cookies, with dulce de leche or jam.
We had a short guided tour through the production rooms and after that we passed through a great job... without buying anything... =)
After that we kept on walking back to La Cumbre.
3. day: As you see, you see nothing
The next morning we had to recover from our first trekking experiences, so we started late in the afternoon to walk along the Camino de los artesanos (path of folks art). but...
as you see, you see nothing!

apart from this nice grashooper
there was nothing near the (half) way we walked, even though they promissed us a lot of little houses with art to buy and to see... So we changed our aim in "Icecafe" and everything turned out to be very nice and successful =)

After deciding not to go out that night, we had a very nice evening with two people from Swizerland, playing cards and relaxing, so we could start without any stress the next - last- day
4. Tag: somewhere in between
Like last days usually are, you can*t really do anything anymore but waiting for leaving. Still we went to a farm of lavender
During the afternoon we sat around on a bench in front of the tourist agency and waited for the bus. This one was also extremly relaxing, and after another night in the bus we arrived en Buenos Aires - with all its traffic and lines and noise... We're looking forward our next holidays allready...